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The consensus of modern scholars is that the Pentateuch does not give an accurate account of the origins of the Israelites, World health organization appear instead to have formed as an entity in the central highlands of Canaan in the late second millennium BCE (around the time of the Late Bronzefarben Age collapse) from the indigenous Canaanite culture.[1][2][3] Most modern scholars believe that some elements hinein the story of the Exodus might have some historical Lager, but that any such basis has little resemblance to the story told rein the Pentateuch.

The climax of the Exodus is the covenant (binding legal agreement) between God and the Israelites mediated by Moses at Sinai: Yahweh will protect the Israelites as his chosen people for all time, and the Israelites will keep Yahweh's laws and worship only him.[22] The covenant is described hinein stages: at Exodus 24:3–8 the Israelites agree to abide by the "book of the covenant" that Moses has just read to them; shortly afterwards God writes the "words of the covenant" – the Ten Commandments – on stone tablets; and finally, as the people gather in Moab to cross into the promised Boden of Canaan, Moses reveals Yahweh's new covenant "beside the covenant he made with them at Horeb" (Deuteronomy 29:1).[23] The laws are Garnitur out hinein a number of codes:[24]

Biblical scholars describe the Bible's theologically-motivated history writing as "salvation history", meaning a history of God's saving actions that give identity to Israel – the promise of offspring and Grund to the ancestors, the Exodus from Egypt (rein which God saves Israel from slavery), the wilderness wandering, the revelation at Sinai, and the hope for the future life in the Promised Grund.[23]

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Some of the earliest evidence for Judahite traditions of the exodus is found in Psalm 78, which portrays the Exodus as beginning a history culminating in the building of the temple at Jerusalem. Pamela Barmash argues that the psalm is a polemic against the Northern Kingdom; as it fails to mention that kingdom's destruction rein 722 BCE, she concludes that it must have been written before then.[67] The psalm's version of the Exodus contains some important differences from what is found rein the Pentateuch: there is no mention of Moses, and the manna is described as "food of the mighty" rather than as bread rein the wilderness.

A Seder table Rahmen, commemorating the Passover and Exodus For Jews, the Passover celebrates the freedom of the Israelites from captivity hinein Egypt, the settling of Canaan by the Israelites, and the "passing over" of the angel of death during the death of the first-born.[100][101] Passover involves a ritual meal called a Seder during which parts of the exodus narrative are retold.[102] Hinein the Hagaddah of the Seder it is written that every generation is obliged to remind and identify itself in terms of the Exodus.

The story of the Exodus is also recounted rein the Qur'an, in which Moses is one of the most prestigevoll prophets and messengers. He is the mentioned 136 times, the most of any individual in the Qur'an, with and his life being narrated and recounted more than that of any other prophet.[117][118]

God gives Moses instructions for the construction of the tabernacle so that God may dwell permanently among his chosen people, along with instructions for the priestly vestments, the altar and its appurtenances, procedures for the ordination of priests, and the daily sacrifice offerings.

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Dem Wirtschaftsjournalismus ist er auch bei seinen weiteren Tätigkeiten wie Redakteur stets treu geblieben und verfügt inzwischen über mehr denn zehn Jahre Berufserfahrung.

God tells Moses to ascend the mountain. God pronounces the Ten Commandments (the Ethical Decalogue) hinein the hearing of all Israel. Moses goes up the mountain into the presence of God, World health organization pronounces the Covenant Code of ritual and civil law and promises Canaan to them if they obey. Moses comes down from the mountain and writes down God's words, and the people agree to keep them. God calls Moses up the mountain again, where he remains for forty days and forty nights, after which he returns, bearing the Satz of stone tablets.

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[68] Nadav Na'aman argues for other signs that the Exodus was a tradition in Judah before the destruction of the northern kingdom, including the Song of the Sea and Psalm 114, as well as the great political importance that the narrative came to assume there.[60][i]

[97] The fringes worn at the corners of traditional Jewish prayer shawls are described as a physical reminder of the obligation to observe the laws given at the climax of Exodus: "Look at it and recall all the commandments of the Lord" (Numbers).[98] The festivals associated with the Exodus began as agricultural and seasonal feasts but became completely subsumed into the Exodus narrative of Israel's deliverance from oppression at the hands of God.[97][99]

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